Configuration setups for trading view indicators by Nexgen Software Services
Creating chart templates with preset indicator configurations will save time once you finalize your chart setup and look using TV. You can also favorite the templates; TV will make a button. Click the button, and the indicators in your template and the settings you saved will be applied to the chart. For existing pre-made workspaces from which to save settings or templates, VISIT HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.
For "educational information, click here.
To plot a second large trigger line, select your size chart.
If you do not wish to see the third line, you can uncheck the box, as seen below.
Learn about T3 Divergence as a termination ( Trend Ending) indicators VISIT PAGE.
Learn about T3 Divergence as a trade management tool. (trade ending) VISIT PAGE.
The settings are straightforward for this indicator; Color of Text and Size of Text are your choices.
Learn about one-to-ones as a termination (trend ending). Indicator. VISIT PAGE
To learn about the large and small swings ( how they are formed)
YELLOW DOTS - ONE TO ONES: a Fibonacci projection of 100%. One swing distance is equal to the next swing. These are represented mostly by YELLOW DOTS or Magenta dots and may represent general support or resistance. CLICK FOR EXAMPLE
SMALL SWING ONE TO ONES: "Magenta dots" 100% projections from each smaller swing. CLICK FOR EXAMPLE
The input choices are simple: color, style, and size. It is not recommended not to use a line as a style.
T3 Trend Bands are helpful as entry and exit areas.
There is much to learn about using the T3 Market Flow indicator. Nexgen's teachings and trade setups are based on volume breakouts and high-volume areas tested as support and resistance. We feel you should work through the three sections of the educational material in this guide. CLICK HERE
Trading View limits the number of plots to 60, so as bars progress in real time, the dots will drop off of the bars. The high-volume areas for bars will persist, as do HVA LINES. Here, you will see a couple of HVA LINES and how the market reacts to the HVA LINES.
NOTE: Due to the labor intensive BID ASK data requirements, you'll need to upgrade to a Premium plan to use the Nexgen T3 Market Flow Indicator on TradingView. However, a premium upgrade won't be necessary if you prefer to trade without the T3 Market Flow indicator. PREMIUM LINK
The T3 Macd BB Lines are an old indicator holdover from 2002-2003. Nexgen's primary use was spotting divergences. This has since been automated in our T3 Divergence Potential indicator. We put them in the package because some find them useful, but they are not included in our current chart templates or teachings.